
Thursday, February 19, 2015

The "Beats" are back!

 Beats by Irving

The Irving Fun Fair will be held on Saturday, February 21st. It is a fun day of games, auctions, prizes, performances and fun! We hope that you and your child will come out to enjoy the fun, raise money for our awesome school and support your very own BEATS (formerly known as "New Beats" in our afternoon performance at the fun fair (performance at approximately 2:3opm).

The Beats are back!!! (Ms. Collins, Mrs. Parkinson, Ms. Kekatos, Mrs. Sakalleris, Ms. Noonan and Mrs. Solomon)!

 Also, be on the look out for our "Dancing with the Stars" Auction Item! Bid for a spot on Saturday, February 21st at the Fun Fair!
"Dancing with the Stars"
Spend time with the "Beats " (Ms. Collins, Ms. Noonan, Mrs. Parkinson, Mrs. Sakalleris, Mrs. Solomon and Ms. Kekatos) while learning  steps from their choreography. Have a blast dancing to fun music, learning moves and hanging out with your favorite local celebrities. Finally, join them in their "End of the Year" performance on the last day of school! This is open to up to 25 (Boys and Girls ages K-5). This will include 2 rehearsal times between 5-1-2015 and 6-5-2015 that will be held at 2:00 PM on Wednesdays and the final performance on last day of school, June 5th.

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